Realization of Energy Efficiency Factors of Electrically Driven Gas Compressor Units in Projects

А.S. Khlynin, О.V. Kryukov


The statistical analysis of use and technical condition of electrically driven gas compressor units at compressor stations of the main gas pipelines is presented. It is shown that outrunning growth of electricity tariffs in relation to natural gas has led to a steady tendency of primary conversion to gas-turbine drive of superchargers. It is proved with reason that it had reflected in decrease of power efficiency, reliability and ecological compatibility of gas transport. Innovative ways of energy efficiency increase of main gas pipelines performance by application at the stage of designing of new technologies and modern hardware of electrically driven gas compressor units are considered. The functionality of new generation of electrically driven centrifugal superchargers, allowing to compensate changes of tariffs for electricity / gas and to raise competitiveness of the electric drive in relation to aircraft, ship and stationary gas-turbine drives of compressors of the main gas transport is presented in a consistent manner. The concept of stage improvement of the existing park of superchargers drives and greenfield projects of electrically driven compressor stations with zoning of primary application all over Russia for the next 20-30 years is suggested.

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Kryukov O.V., Khlynin A.S., Belov A.S. Simulation of electric drives gas pumping units [Modelirovanie raboty elektroprivodov GPA], Trudy VIII mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii po avtomatizirovannomu elektroprivodu [Proc. of the VIII International Scientific Conference on automated electric drive], Saransk, MGU im. N.P. Ogareva Publ., 2014. – vol. 2, pp. 414-419.



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