Study of SVPWM with Various Vector Selection Tables of Three Level Converter
This paper addresses the study of three level neutral point clamped (NPC) converter based on different feasibility of space vector pulse wide modulation (SVPWM). This paper will review of a classical SVPWM technique with various switching sequences of the base space vectors (BSVs) within the range of sampling periods for three level NPC converters. The studies by mathematical modeling of the three level NPC converter and SVPWM technique in the Matlab/Simulink program were carried out. It was established that the increasing of switching sequence of the BSVs within the range of the sampling period can be used for decreasing of total harmonic distortional (THD). The THD diagrams of the various switching sequences of the BSVs within the different range of the sampling periods for the three level NPC converter are presented. The research results can be used to assess the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) evaluation powerful three level NPC active rectifiers or inverters and select switching sequence of the BSVs within the range of the sampling period to minimize the THD voltage and current.
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