Update Criteria for Identification of Transformer Damage by Analyzing the Gas from the Gas Relay
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Davidenko I.V. Analysis of the gases from the gas relay and contactor RPN [Analiz gazov iz gazovogo rele i kontaktora RPN], Metody i sredstva kontrolya izolyatsii vysokovoltnogo oborudovaniya [Methods and means of insulation monitoring of high voltage equipment], Perm, 2016. (in Russ.)
RD 34.46.502. Instruktsiya po opredeleniyu kharakte-ra vnutrennikh povrezhdeniy transformatorov po analizu gazov iz gazovogo rele [Instructions for determining characterized Mr. damage internal transformers for gas analysis of gas re-lay]. (in Russ.)
RD 153-34.0-46.302-00. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya po diagnostike razvivayushchikhsya defektov transformator-nogo oborudovaniya po rezultatam khromatograficheskogo analiza gazov rastvorennykh v masle [Guidelines for the diag-nosis of developing defects transformer-tion equipment based on the results of the chromatographic analysis of gases dis-solved in the oil]. (in Russ.)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJEE/20160402
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