Research of Dynamic Characteristics of Start-Up of Electric Driving Gas-Distributing Units

O.V. Kryukov


Operational operating modes of turbocompressors as gas-distributing units of compressor stations of the main gas pipelines are considered. The analysis of statistical data of breakdown rate of electric driving units depending on operating modes and places of damages is carried out. Need of increase of safety of functioning of electric driving turbocompressors by optimization of course of the transitional modes by decrease in dynamic components of currents and the moments of the synchronous car of a megawatt class is proved. The electromagnetic and electromechanical processes happening in the electric drive during the work on turbocompressor loading are considered. Options of comparison of the existing and innovative systems of safe launch of synchronous electric motors of electric driving gas-distributing units are analyzed. Need of control and optimization of the key electrodynamic parameters of the driving electric motor of the gas-distributing unit is proved. Results of computer modeling of the starting modes of electric driving units with devices of reactor, smooth, quasi frequency and frequency start-up are received. Methodical, hardware and algorithmic means are developed for operational management of engines of turbocompressors of big power in the dynamic modes.

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