Parameters for the Use of Frequency for Capacity Control of Compressors

O.V. Kryukov


The technical and functional condition of the existing fleet of electric drives of gas compressor units of compressor stations of gas mains. Given the energy and power characteristics of electric machines of alternating current in the static and dynamic operation modes. It is shown that the lack of effective way of controlling the speed of electric motors GPA leads to a decrease in reliability in the starting mode and waste electricity consumption when changing the optimum parameters of gas flow. Presents an analysis of modern power Converter technology to control the efficiency of electrically driven gas pumping units. The peculiarities of the structures and functionality of a high-voltage multilevel Converter of frequency of domestic production to improve energy efficiency and reliability for group parallel operation of gas compressor units. The analysis of the harmonic composition of input current, the supply frequency adjustable electric drive of the GPA, showed a low level of distortion of voltage and high power factor, reaching a value of 0.96. In addition, experimental studies have demonstrated the ensure the full electromagnetic compatibility of the frequency Converter with the mains supply and a megawatt-class electric motors. Are the functional capabilities of microcontroller based automatic control systems and diagnosing of electrically driven gas pumping units.

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Kryukov O.V. Research of dynamic characteristics of start-up of electric driving gas-distributing units, Russian Internet Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2016, vol.3, no.1, pp. 67-75. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24892/RIJEE/20160108

Kryukov O.V. Applications experiment planning theory for invariant object gas transmission systems [Prikladnyye zadachi teorii planirovaniya eksperimenta dlya invariantnykh obyektov gazotransportnykh sistem], Identifikatsiya sistem i zadachi upravleniya SICPRO'15 [System Identification and Control Problems SICPRO'15], 2012, pp. 222-236. (in Russ.)

Kryukov O.V. Modeling and implementation of microprocessor-electromechanical systems, Russian Internet Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2015, vol. 2, no.3, pp. 55-61. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24892/RIJEE/20150309



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