Development of Improved Block Diagrams for an Asynchronous Motor in the Coordinate System d-q Relative to the Rotor without Reference to the Reference Vector

A. A. Nikolaev, F. F. Mutallapova


In this paper, based on the equations of the generalized two-phase alternating current machine, an improved block diagram of an induction motor with a squirrel-cage rotor in a coordinate system relative to the rotor winding without reference to the reference vector is developed. The advanced block diagram of the engine was implemented on the basis of Matlab Simulink software package. The transition of an asynchronous motor from a fixed three-phase coordinate system to a two-phase rotating system was carried out with the help of the direct and inverse transformations of the Park. A comparative analysis of oscillograms from a mathematical model and a real object confirmed the adequacy of the developed model.

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