On the Use of Artificial Neural Networks in Control Systems of Electric Drives of Alternating Current Winding-Anwinding Mechanisms of Cold Rolling Mills

A. Yu. Sologubov, V. N. Faryma


The winding-unwinding mechanisms of rolling mills are predominantly non-stationary objects. Non-stationarity is expressed in changes in the parameters of the mechanical system during winding. These parameters are the radius of the roll, the mass, the moment of inertia, the speed of rotation of the motor shaft, etc. In the conditions of close interrelation of the parameters of the electric and mechanical parts of the coiler, the change in the regime parameters leads to the appearance of dynamic errors of the system and to the need for adjusting the parameters of the control system to reduce Data errors. From the point of view of the tendency to increase the productivity of aggregates of metallurgical production, it is required to improve the accuracy of control of electromechanical systems, often in conditions of increasing disturbances, both from the side of power mechanisms and from the side of the power supply network. In this connection, it is necessary to modernize the tension control system from the standpoint of promising methods for constructing automatic control systems, where the development of a system for the formation, transport and winding of a metal strip should be preceded by an overview of the current state in the field of coil management systems, analysis of tension control systems for AC drives , As well as an example of applications of one of the most promising methods for nonstationary objects - neural networks. The article deals with the control systems of AC electric drives of coilers of cold rolling mills. Introduction introduces a review of the literature on this topic and shows the importance of modernizing control systems in the rapidly developing semiconductor power electronics and increasing the computing power of microprocessor-based devices. The importance of modernizing automatic control systems with the use of intelligent control methods is shown. The main part gives general information on the technology of winding metal strips in cold rolling mills, describes the importance of quality regulation of tension and the relationship of tension with the thickness of the strip. After a brief description of the systems of indirect and direct tension control, a structural diagram of the control system of the T400 process module and the Siemens Symadin D controller for the cold rolling mill of OJSC MMK 2000 is presented as a modernized tension control system and its operation is described. The relevance of the use of intellectual methods and technologies for the study of complex electromechanical systems is noted.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJEE/20170105


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