Calculation of Сurrents of the Highest Harmonicas for the Autonomous System of Power Supply of the Oil and Gas Field

R. A. Imanayev, L. A. Ryabishina, T. M. Nabiyev, K. C. Maryin


The article presents the calculation of higher harmonic currents for the Autonomous power supply system of oil and gas field. A distinctive feature of the Autonomous power supply system is the presence of a large number of non-linear consumers who are sources of higher harmonics. The article discusses the causes of higher harmonics in the network, as well as recommendations to reduce their level. On the basis of calculations of higher harmonics carried out in work it is established that at the moment by effective ways it is possible to reduce influence of higher harmonics by installation of filters of higher harmonics or by installation of the generator of bigger power possessing smaller internal resistance. It is not recommended to regulate the level of harmonious components of the voltage in the network of the 10 kV power station, the number of generators running, with constant power generated. It is economically disadvantageous due to large maintenance costs gas turbine power plant.

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