Investigation of the Traction Linear Induction Motor for Conveyor Train

F. N. Sarapulov, I. A. Smolianov, I. E. Rodionov


The paper reviews the results of the study of traction linear induction motor (LIM) for conveyor transport in the mining industry. The design of the traction motor is described. The results of calculating the characteristics of the engine using the method of detailed magnetic replacement circuits are given. The influence of the choice of the ferromagnetic material (massive steel 3, steel 20, alloy of steel 2211) of the secondary element (SE) on the characteristics of the engine is studied. The influence of the saturation of the ferromagnetic layer of SE on the traction force of the engine is shown. The normal forces (attraction and levitation) acting on the conveyor train cart are evaluated. The calculated design parameters of the engine are compared with the data obtained at the engine manufacturer.

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