The journal is a peer-reviewed periodical online edition that publishes the results of scientific research, generalizing the studies in technical fields of knowledge in universities, research centers, large industrial plants of the Russian Federation. The journal also publishes the results of research by foreign authors.
The purpose of publication of the journal is to promote the development of the theory and practice of electrical engineering as a field of science, informing scientists and practical on the most promising areas of research and achievements.
This goal is achieved the following objectives:
- expansion of the communicative interaction space of Russian and foreign scientists and practitioners in the field of electrical engineering;
- organization of discussions on actual problems of science and practice in the application of scientific field of knowledge;
- formation of open scientific polemics and independent scientific expertise directed at improving the quality of scientific research;
- presentation of the results of scientific research and experimental activities postgraduate students, doctoral and candidates degrees Russian universities;
- publication of materials of scientific conferences, symposia, containing information about Russian and foreign scientific schools in the declared area of knowledge;
- promotion of the Russian and foreign experience in introducing advanced science, technology and innovation in the industry.
The journal publishes scientific articles in Russian and English, with the results of research and practical achievements in the field of electrical engineering in the following areas:
- Electrical equipment and systems;
- Electromechanical systems including their control and regulation;
- Electrical machines and drives;
- Power electronics;
- Analog and digital electronics;
- Alternative energy sources;
- High-voltage equipment.
Frequency of publication of the journal – a quarterly: the 1st issue in February, the 2nd issue in May, the 3rd issue in August, the 4th issue in November.