Research the Wear of Working Elements Mixing Equipment

I.N. Kravchenko, T.A. Chekha, K.V. Makarov, M.V. Dobychin, N.I. Salyaev


The article describes the major factors affecting the deterioration of the working elements. The dependence of the thickness of the wear parts and elements of the mixing equip-ments, of their geometrical parameters. According to the results of modeling the interaction of working bodies mixing with the abrasive medium a mathematical model that allows to control the technical condition of the units.

A new method for determining the coordinates of wear mixer blades using the method of group account of arguments (MGAA), providing the possibility of non-contact diagnosis and prediction of failures of work items for the period of the current developments and the selection method of recovery. This provides a cost savings in conducting diagnosis and maintenance of mixers, screw conveyors and other processing equipment.

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