The Dependence of the Operating Characteristics of Tapping on the Shape of the Last Cutting Profile

I.V. Ivanina


Comparative evaluation of a number of known experimental data on the wear of the rear surface of the laws of taps and the results of analytical calculations of cutting forces. It is shown that the cause of uneven wear of the cutting profiles taps are differences in the security burden on individual profiles, due to their location on the cutting part of the tap. It is shown that within the party taps observed, are two distinct forms of sharpening the profile of the last elementary cutting cone. Calculation by a semi-cheny values of cutting forces acting on the latest profiles of the cutting part of the tool, and allow to justify theoretically the experimentally established effect of the shape of the cutting profile of the latter on the reliability of operation of taps. The analytical form of the dependence of the magnitude of the radial force threading the shape of the last profile, which allows to determine the feasibility of a tool regrinding.

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