Optimal control system of industrial furnace thermal rate

Sergey Andreev, Boris Parsunkin


Several different interrelated processes often take place in high performance industrial heating furnaces simultaneously. It is necessary to take into account the interaction of these processes when they controlled by means of local control loops. The issue of control loops interaction is especially important for design of optimal control systems of heating furnace thermal rate when the total thermal energy consumption on heating is kept to a minimum.

Control loops interaction in the energy saving optimal control of thermal rate in the industrial furnace working chamber results in a fairly complex control process, especially in the through furnaces for continuous cast billet heating before rolling at the variable performance operating mode of the rolling mill.

The paper is concerned with the development of the optimal control system of the industrial furnace thermal rate with three main interrelated loops: the optimal control loop of temperature distribution within the furnace zones, the optimization control loop of fuel burning and the optimization control loop of gas fuel mode in the industrial furnace working chamber.

The authors described the design of each loop, defined the interrelated factors, simulated the transient processes in the optimal control system of thermal rate taking into account the interaction of the control loops.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20130203


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