Application of Fuzzy Logic for Vibration Diagnostics of Electrical Equipment

T.N. Kruglovа, N.N. Rabotalov, M.A. Melnikov


This paper demonstrate the rationale of using vibration parameters to beyond-the-node fault location of different types of electrical equipment. The model provides a method for diagnosis of vibration spectrum by using fuzzy logic. The model has a hierarchy structure. The first level allows for deviations of the amplitude of the vibrations at characteristic frequencies determine the status information of fault, attributing it to one of the four classes. Second - for the development of fault to determine the current status of the entire facility as a whole. This approach allows us to analyze various parameters of vibration velocity and displacement without experts. Therefore, this model can be used for all known types of electrical equipment. Produced laboratory tests showed high accuracy and adequacy of the modeling results.

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Copyright (c) 2016 T.N. Kruglovа, N.N. Rabotalov, M.A. Melnikov

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