Evaluation of the Reliability of the Upper Stage “Fregat”

E.V. Dikun, A.Yu. Kolobov, A.V. Bodrov


The paper presents the operating history of the upper stage “Fregat”. We consider three modifications of the upper stage and their differences. The results of point and interval estimates of the reliability of the upper stage “Fregat”.  Estimates were obtained with and without taking into account a priori estimates of reliability in the results 55 starts. Given the dynamics of the change point estimates of reliability depending on the number of starts. Considered the event, which ensured a high level of reliability of the upper stage “Fregat”.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20160313


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Copyright (c) 2016 E.V. Dikun, A.Yu. Kolobov, A.V. Bodrov

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