Development of a Sensorless Control System of an Electric Drive of an Elevator

I.Yu. Krasnov, S.V. Langraf, V.N. Сheremisin


The analysis of possible variants of scalar and vector control in the system “Frequency converter-asynchronous motor” without speed sensor rotor is done. The implementation of the sensorless vector control system is described. Sensorless control system is based on the algorithm of the estimation of frequency of rotation of the rotor shaft. The estimation is based on information about current voltages and currents getting from the sensors. At low speeds used scalar control system. When reaching available to the evaluation of the frequency, is used “jumping” to vector control system. A smooth jumping is implemented through integration control coordinates from scalar control to the control coordinate values in vector control. Thus It is possible to avoid throws, jumps and bumps in the mechanical parts of the electric drive when its acceleration and braking.

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