The Influence of Configuration of Intake and Exhaust Systems of Piston Internal Combustion Engines on Local Heat Transfer

L. V. Plotnikov, B. P. Zhilkin, Y. M. Brodov


The improvement of work processes of piston engines for increase of technical and economic parameters is the main objective in the field of power engineering. The improvement of the quality of gas exchange processes (intake and exhaust processes) is one of the possible directions of increase of efficiency and reliability of piston internal combustion engines. The study of the instantaneous local heat transfer at flow unsteadiness is one of the objectives of the experimental studies of the thermomechanical processes in the intake and exhaust systems of the engines. The influence of configuration of the intake and exhaust pipes on the heat transfer intensity is a relevant engineering problem. Data about intensity of the local heat transfer are the basis for determination of heating of the air (at inlet), cooling exhaust gas (at exhaust), calculation of thermal stresses in the nodes and details of intake and exhaust systems. Results of experimental investigation of the instantaneous local heat transfer (taking into account the hydrodynamic nonstationary) in the intake and exhaust pipes of different configurations for piston internal combustion engines are presented in this article. It is established that the cross profiling of the intake and exhaust pipes of piston engines leads to a decrease in the local heat transfer intensity in the range of 5 to 20% depending on the crankshaft speed

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