Analytical Reconfiguration of the Flight Control System of the Aircraft Maintaining the Specified Characteristics of Stability

D. E. Efanov


The paper sets out the conceptual issues of methods of analytical solution of the problem of defined aircraft stability characteristics conservation during flight control system reconfiguration under actuating subsystem failure. It is shown that the use of the reconfiguration technique with analytic set of stabilizing control laws synthesized by the decomposition method taking into account the cross-linking between the control channels allows to fully compensate the effects of failures of the actuating subsystem in each of the control channels under the conditions of complete controllability of aircraft as a dynamic system. It thus makes it possible to reconfigure the flight control system that always ensures the stability of the motion of the aircraft with a precisely prescribed poles. During study of failures in the form of a gradual reduction of the effectiveness of control surfaces it found that the synthesized analytical control law is a corresponding automatic increase feedback gain serviceable channel actuating subsystem, as well as the reallocation of control signals between the drives within the existing cross-connections between the control channels. Some of the solutions obtained by reconfiguring the control laws are not satisfactory, because of significantly limited possibility of maneuvering. The explanation for this is the relatively small quantities of system controllability measures, which are a functions of controllability gramian, and directly related to the severity of failures actuating subsystem. The results can be used at perspective control systems design stage to optimize the characteristics of the control actuators to meet the increasing requirements for fail-safe flight.

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