One-phasic and Multiphasic Chemical Processing of the Secondary Raw Materials Containing Metal Tin

S. D. Pozhidaeva, L. S. Ageeva, A. M. Ivanov


Wide use of tin and its alloys in various spheres of activity of the person predetermines significant base of secondary stanniferous raw materials. Rational chemical processing of the last can give the big assortment of the chemical goods finding industrial demand and received now by more difficult in execution and methods demanding specific raw materials. It is illustrated by examples of oxidation of metal and its alloys in the presence of mineral and carboxylic acids by copper (II) compounds in water, aqueous-salt, water-organic and practically anhydrous organic media into tin (II) and (IV) with subsequent use of connections of tin (IV) as oxidizers of metal in the presence of the stimulating additive of molecular iodine as enough the general way of selective obtaining basic salts of tin (II) at room temperatures. It is thus established, that received at oxidation of a metal and its alloys of salts of tin and copper (II) are more effective and easily recycled at access of air by oxidizers in comparison with individual compounds of copper (II), including reactive origin

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