Analysis of Gears Engagement Parameter in the Period of Steady Wear

M. G. Akopyan, S. S. Reznikov, O. V. Kuznetsova


The work is devoted to the study of behavior gears wear parameters after burn-in period, to obtain reliable data about behavior of gear drive, to simplify development of new gears by reducing the number of test cycles, due to the given measurement and calculation data.  The article provides a brief description of the automated device for study of gears, on which measurements of parameters of gear engagement were carried out. The software, which is specially developed for processing of results of measurements of the device in the automatic mode, carried out necessary calculations with displaying all necessary parameters for a research of impact of wear in transmission. During the experiment, gears with various quantity of teeths were tested, and couples of interaction were chosen so that to capture the big range of the transfer relations. The results of measurements and calculations are presented in graphical form, which allows to demonstrate the dynamics of their changes. Due to the large amount of statistical data, at the end of the work, conclusions were drawn about the applicability of the results obtained, using the developed measurement methods, as data for the calculation of gears and gearing.


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