Experimental Researches of Force Controlling System with Various Electromechanicl Transducers

G.Ya. Pyatibratov, O.A. Kravchenko, D.V. Barylnik, N.A. Sukhenko


The experimental researches with application of DC motor, induction motor and permanent-field synchronous motor have been performed at the stand of specialized lifting gear with a long rope-drive. At the same time different control methods of electromagnetic torque of the electric motors have been used.

Experimental researches under determination of friction forces in the kinematic scheme of stand have been executed. Execution speed of control in used electric drives was determined. The efficiency of the oscillation damping in the kinematic transmission of stand has been researched by means of electric drive.

In force-compensation systems with application of induction motors the frictional forces in mechanical part of the stand have the lower-range values. The highest control speed is being observed in AC drive with vector control with speed transducer. Application of force regulator allowed improving control precision and effectively limiting the oscillation in rope-drive.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20140201


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