Identification of Voltage Waveform Distortion Sources in Electric Power Systems

G.V. Kudryashev, A.S. Seleznev, D.S. Fedosov


The installation of devices to normalize the nonsinusoidal electrical modes – harmonic filters - is one of the measures to improve the power quality and increase the reliability of power systems. The choice of nodes for the installation of filters is associated with the task of identification sources of distortion in the power networks. This paper presents a method of assessing the impact of power consumers on the voltage waveform distortion to identify the sources of the higher harmonics in the electric power system. The use of characteristics such as the autonomous voltage of n-th harmonic and the influence factor for the n-th harmonic is proposed as the criteria for distortion sources localization. The parameters for the equivalent circuit of power consumers in the form of active dipole are used to calculate the proposed characteristics. The results of testing the proposed method on a model of the electric power system are presented. To determine the parameters of the equivalent circuits the method of two measurements of the electrical mode parameters was used. The possibility of identifying distorting, non-distorting and mixed loads in the electrical network is proved without the use of a priori information about the composition of electrical equipment of power consumers. The features of the method in case of ring connections in the electrical network are marked; the prospects of applying the method in the power systems are outlined.

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