Kinematics Edges Forming Magnetic Abrasive Finishing

V.M. Geichuk, A.Y. Gavrushkevich


Implemented experimental studies of the mechanism of formation of edges by magnetic abrasive processing in a ring bath. As a result, it is proposed the scheme of cutting edge material, suggesting that the removal of material at the top edge occurs mainly due to the compressed primary flow at an angle of attack to the machined faces. Adopted two basic assumptions: the movement of the powder particles along the edge does not take part in the edge formation; the shape of the edge in the normal section to the theoretical edge line at a given point depends on the ratio of the projection of the total cutting speed on the normal and binormal, and is formed as a broken line. Broken line is the result of crossing paths abrasive particles moving at an angle of incidence to the surface forming the edge, and penetrates into the treated surfaces by an amount that depends on the mechanical properties of the material. Developed a mathematical model of the process kinematics edges free abrasives suitable for the comparative analysis of the kinematics of the processes of magnetic abrasive processing in a ring bath in a large working clearance and spindle machining.

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