Mathematical Models of Operating Time and Cutting Ability in the Process of Creep-Feed Grinding of Workpieces of Small Length

S.V. Nosenko, V.A. Nosenko, S.A. Zotova, L.L. Kremenetskiy


A distinctive feature of creep-feed grinding is a great wheel arc length of contact with the workpiece. In this regard, there is a need to incorporate features of creep-feed grinding at various stages of the process - insertion, constant arc of contact or transition, the output. The article presents the mathematical model of operating time, cutting ability and instant cutting ability of the process of creep-feed grinding of flat horizontal surfaces in terms of direct and tapered profile at all stages of the process. The article shows regularities of measurable indicators for the period of grinding. Characteristic points, including maximum values at all stages of the process defined by method of researching functions. A graph of long-indicators of reliability of the processing time for transition stage showed at the process of grinding by wheel of straight profile. The article shows that the maximum operating time, depending on the length of the grinding step has an extremum and described by incomplete second-order polynomial. Patterns of change of cutting ability and instantaneous cutting ability from time are subjected to a linear relationship.

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