Features of Development of Electro-Technological Processes of Welding and Surfacing Based Algorithms for Adaptive Pulse Control Power Mode Settings

Yu.N. Saraev


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of development of electro-technological processes of welding and surfacing by applying adaptive pulse control algorithms energy mode settings. Shows the main advantages of developing areas of research in comparison to the traditionally used technologies based on the use of modes by rigidly defined program.

On the basis of fundamental research of the fundamentals of welding processes and nature of occurrence of various defects, in particular, technological cracks and pores, including when doing welding in the cold, set the physical nature of the anomalous behavior of the arc when welding at low temperatures. This allowed us to formulate the conceptual approach to reduce defects and to increase the strength and performance of welded joints by methods of adaptive pulse-arc welding. The essence of this approach is the management of all stages of formation of the welded connection: arcing, melting and transfer of electrode metal into the weld pool, the crystallization of the weld metal from the melt, through the channels of feedback, controlling the main power characteristics of the technological process taking into account perturbations. These features implement the methods of adaptive control of complex electrodynamic system: power source – arc – weld pool – a product that ensures optimal heat distribution during welding and the fulfillment of the condition areas of strength balance connections of cold-resistant materials.

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Saraev Yu.N. The development and application of adaptive pulse-arc welding methods for construction and repair of pipelines, Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems (MEACS-2014), pp. 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/ MEACS.2014.6986956.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20150301


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