To the Question of Current Pulses Frequency Determination at the Power Transmission Wire’s Deicing by Electrodynamics Method

S.I. Sukhorukov, V.A. Soloviev, S.P. Cherniy, D.O. Savelyev


In this article a new method of power transmission wire’s deicing is described. The necessity of continuous wire’s free oscillation’s frequency’s determination in the course of wire’s cleaning is shown. Based on the results of the experimental research, it is shown, that wire’s free oscillation’s frequency depends on the mass distribution of ice along the span. The technique of current pulses determination, based on use of the special correction index, is offered. An integral index for identification of functional dependence between correction index value and current ice cover condition is offered. This integral index allows to estimate the degree of mass distribution irregularity along the span. The frequency variation dependence of the integral index, based on the experimental data, described some typical situations on power transmission line, is determined.

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