Work Optimization of Technologically Interconnected Gas Compressor Units’ Electric Drives of Compressor Stations

О.V. Kryukov


The flow diagram of electrically driven compressor station of the main gas pipelines with high-voltage MW electric motors is considered. The complex analysis of features of group parallel engaging of units on a uniform main pipeline is presented. It is shown that characteristics mismatch of centrifugal superchargers and electric motors causes load distribution irregularity between units with the raised electric power consumption. Methods of loads matching within the limits of work of technologically interconnected electric drives by means of frequency converters are suggested. Examples of group of units control algorithms within the limits of dual-purpose electrically driven compressor station and results of the numerical analysis of comparative effectiveness of frequency converters application are presented. It is shown that with increase of gas supply control range from 5 to 10 % the economy of the consumed electric power also increases from 1,05 to 1,74 MW. The optimality criterion of technologically interconnected electric drives of gas compressor units in the form of multifactorial quality functional is suggested. Practical recommendations for optimization of power consumption of the most widespread machines STD-4000 and STD-125000 in the electric drive of gas compressor units and prospects of their development are given.

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