Comparative Analysis of the Application of the Capacitor Units and Compensation Converters with Reactive Power Compensation

S.I. Brigadin, A.I. Zaitsev


This paper analyzes the main advantages and disadvantages of reactive power(RP) compensation devices, discusses how the maximum energy saving, reduction methods of active power losses and improve the power quality at the points of consumption. After examining the main positive and negative sides of capacitor banks, to emphasize that they are the most economical source of reaction-stive power in the presence of their enterprise. At the same adverse effect on their work has on-presence in their chains of higher harmonics. Also, the lack of a smooth automatic regulation of given network reactive power, fire, the presence of residual charge. All this forces them to seek a more reliable means of reactive power compensation. These are compensatory rectifiers, which are the following features: a large number of the IGBT and the possibility of a surge in private transistors, the complexity of the control system, the presence of electrolytic capacitors, ease of installation and on-site installation, low internal losses of active power, high performance, availability node protection of resonance phenomena, smooth adjustment of the compensation value of the RP of both signs, combining the functions of power generation and process plants RP ability to long-term operation without personnel.

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