Decomposition Method for Induction Heating Simulation

I.Yu. Dolgikh, A.N. Korolev, Yu.O. Shapina


During induction heating technology designing and forming the composition of needed equipment with required characteristics it is necessary to have a adequate analysis of heating results. Existing methods of calculation are based on engineering approach with great assumptions or by using software packages which help you to analyze thermal processes without regard to their interaction with the electrical energy source. A method for the joint consideration of electromagnetic processes in the source and temperature changing dynamic in the heated object is proposed. For model creating of the energy source transformer theory with an open magnetic circuit is used wherein the inductor is a primary winding and the heated product is considered as series of secondary windings characterizing heated object layers which are obtained as result of its decomposition for the desired depth. The thermal model of the heated product is represented as a series of layers which allows analyzing the distribution of temperature to the desired depth. The combination of source and product models enables to take into consideration their mutual influence and more qualitatively consider the interested characteristics, as well as to carry out the synthesis of the whole complex of induction heating installation.

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