Wind Energy Plant with the Operational Forecasting of the Technical Condition
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Vasenin A.B., Kryukov O.V., Titov V.G. The concept of autonomous systems of power supply of objects of JSC “Gazprom” [Kontseptsiya sistem avtonomnogo elektrosnabzheniya obyektov OAO “Gazprom”], XII Vsemirnyy elektrotekhnicheskiy kongress: sbornik trudov [Proc. of the XII World Electrotechnical Congress], Moscow, 2011, pp. 28-30. (in Russ.)
Pugailo A.F., Savchenkov S.V., Repin D.G. and etc. Energeticheskiye ustanovki i elektrosnabzheniye obyektov transporta gaza: monografiya [The power plant and the supply of gas transportation facilities: monograph], N. Novgorod, Istok, 2013, vol. 3. – 300 p. (in Russ.)
Pugailo A.F. Savchenko S.V., Kryukov O.V. and etc. Diagnostika oborudovaniya kompressornykh stantsiy: monografiya [Diagnostics of equipment of compressor stations: monograph], N. Novgorod, Istok, 2013, vol. 2. – 300 p. (in Russ.)
Pugailo A.F., Kryukov O.V., Repin D.G. Sposob magistralnogo transporta gaza [Method of gas mains], Patent RU, 2502914, 2013. (in Russ.)
Vasenin A.B., Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V., Plekhov A.S. Automated control of power systems with SMART GRID principles for objects of main gas pipelines [ASU sistem elektrosnabzheniya na printsipakh SMART GRID dlya obyektov magistralnykh gazoprovodov], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation in industry], 2012, no. 4, pp. 36-38. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V., Kryukov O.V. About the new features of SMART GRID technologies [O novykh vozmozhnostyakh tekhnologiy SMART GRID], Elektrooborudovaniye: ekspluatatsiya i remont [Electrical equipment: operation and maintenance], 2013, no. 2, pp. 47-48. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V., Vasenin A.B., Titov V.G. How to improve the energy efficiency of the wind power installation [Kak povysit energoeffektiv¬nost vetroenergeticheskoy ustanovki], Glavnyy energetik [Chief engineer], 2015, no. 1, pp. 58-64. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V., Vasenin A.B. Active-adaptive control algorithms for autonomous power complexes [Aktivno-adaptivnyye algoritmy upravleniya avtonomnymi generatornymi kompleksami], Elektromekhanika, elektrotekhnologii, elektrotekhnicheskiye materialy i komponenty: Trudy XIV Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii ICEEE-2012 [Proc. of the XIV International conference “Electromechanics, Electrotechnology, electrical materials and components” ICEEE-2012], Alushta, 2012, pp. 216-218. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Titov V.V. Development of automated control systems of Autonomous wind power installations [Razrabotka ASU avtonomnymi vetroenergeticheskimi ustanovkami], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation in industry], 2009, no. 4, pp. 35-37. (in Russ.)
Kryukov, O. V. Intelligent electric drives with IT algorithms, Automation and Remote Control, 2013, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 1043-1048. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.1134/S0005117913060143
Serebryakov A.V. Energoeffektivnyye vetroenergeticheskiye ustanovki s operativnoy diagnostikoy dlya avtonomnykh sistem elektrosnabzheniya: diss. … kand. tekhn. nauk [Energy-efficient wind power installation with an operational diagnosis for autonomous power supply systems: diss. of PhD], Ivanovo, 2013, 171 p. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Stepakhin Yu.P. Autonomous asynchronous generator with microprocessor control for wind turbines [Avtonomnyy asinkhronnyy generator s mikroprotsessornym upravleniyem dlya vetroenergeticheskikh ustanovok], Nauchnyye osnovy sozdaniya energosberegayushchey tekhniki i tekhnologiy: mezhvuz. sb. nauchn. tr. [Scientific basis of energy-saving equipment and technologies], Moscow, MPEI, 1990, pp. 220-221. (in Russ.)
Babichev S.A., Zakharov P.A., Kryukov O.V. Monitoring of the technical condition of the drives of gas compressor units [Monitoring tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya privodnykh elektrodvigateley gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Kontrol. Diagnostika [Control. Diagnostics], 2009, no. 7, pp. 33-39. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Comprehensive system monitoring and management of electrically driven gas pumping units [Kompleksnaya sistema monitoringa i upravleniya elektroprivodnymi gazoperekachivayushchimi agregatami], Peredovyye informatsionnyye tekhnologii, sredstva i sistemy avtomatizatsii: sb. tr. Mezhdunar. nauchn-prakt. konf. AITA-2011 [Proc. “Advanced information technologies, systems and means of automation”, AITA-2011], Moscow, 2011, pp. 329-350. (in Russ.)
Anikin D.A., Zuikov A.V., Kryukov O.V. The energy in the electric turbocharger compressor units [Energosberezheniye v elektroprivode turbokompressora gazoperekachivayushchego agregata], Avtomatizirovannyy elektroprivod v XXI veke: puti razvitiya: tr. IV Mezhdunarodnoy (XV Vserossiyskoy) konferentsii po avtomatizirovannomu elektroprivodu AEP-2004 [Proc. of the fourth International (XV all-Russian) conference “Automated electric drive in the XXI century: ways of development” AEP-2004], Magnitogorsk, 2004, vol. 2, pp. 241-243. (in Russ.)
Zakharov P.A., Kiyanov N.V., Kryukov O.V., Babichev S.A. The system energy-saving control actuators compressor stations [Sistema energosberegayushchego upravleniya elektroprivodami kompressornykh stantsiy], Problemy elektrotekhniki, elektroenergetiki i elektrotekhnologii: sb. tr. III Mezhdunarodnoy nauchn.-tekhn. konf. [ Proc. of the III International scientific and technical conference “Problems of electrical engineering, electric power engineering and electrical technology”, Togliatti, 2009, part 2, pp. 23-26. (in Russ.)
Babichev S.A., Bychkov E.V., Kryukov O.V. Analysis of technical condition and safety of gas-pumping units, Russian Electrical Engineering, 2010, vol. 81, is. 9, pp. 489-494. DOI: 10.3103/S1068371210090075
Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov V.A., Vasenin A.B. Diagnostics of electromechanical parts of wind turbines [Diagnostika elektromekhanicheskoy chasti vetroenergeticheskikh ustanovok], Elektromekhanika i energosberegayushchiye sistemy [Electromechanics and energy saving systems], 2012, no. 3, pp. 549-552. (in Russ.)
Pugailo A.F., Voronkov V.I., Kryukov O.V. Neuro-fuzzy algorithms forecasting EGPA [Neyro-nechetkiye algoritmy prognozirovaniya sostoyaniya EGPA], Elektroprivody peremennogo toka: tr. Mezhdunar. XV nauchn.-tekhn. konf. [Proc. of the fifteenth International scientific and technical conference “AC Drives”], Yekaterinburg, 2012, pp. 235-238. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. The intelligent compound energy sources for consumers of the main gas pipelines, Proc. of the 1st International Forum “Renewable Energy. Towards Raising and Economic Efficiencies” REENFOR-2013, Moscow, 2013, pp. 248-250.
Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V. A system of online diagnostics of the technical conditions of wind power plants, Russian Electrical Engineering, 2015, vol. 86, is. 4, pp. 208-212. DOI: 10.3103/S1068371215040069
Kryukov O.V., Vasenin B.A., Serebryakov A.V. Experimental setup the electrome-chanical parts of the wind power plant [Eksperimentalnyy stend elektromekhanicheskoy chasti vetro-energeticheskoy ustanovki], Privodnaya tekhnika [Drive technology], 2012, no. 4, pp. 2-11. (in Russ.)
Vasenin A.B., Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V. Energeticheskiy kompleks [Energy complex], Patent RU, 113085, 2011. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Methodology and tools for neuro-fuzzy prediction of the status of electric drives of gas-compressor units, Russian Electrical Engineering, 2012, vol. 83, is. 9, pp. 516-520. DOI: 10.3103/S1068371212090064
Serebryakov A.V., Kryukov O.V. Ustroystvo lingvisticheskogo diagnostirovaniya otkazov asinkhronnogo dvigatelya [A linguistic device diagnosing failures asynchronous motor], Patent RU, 127494, 2013. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V. Intellektualnyye vetroenergeticheskiye ustanovki dlya avtonomnykh sistem elektrosnabzheniya: Uchebnoye posobiye [Intelligent wind power plant for Au-tonomous power supply systems: tutorial], N. Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod state technical University n. a. R. E. Alekseev, 2014, 135 p. (in Russ.)
Vasenin A.B., Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V. Algorithms for energy-efficient management of wind power systems based on fuzzy logic [Algoritmy energoeffektivnogo upravleniya vetroenergeticheskimi ustanovkami na baze nechetkoy logiki], Fedorovskiye chteniya – 2014: tr. XLIV Vserossiyskoy nauchn.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Proc. of the XLIV international scientific and practical conference with international participation “Fedorov read 2014”], Moscow, 2014, pp. 152-154. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V. Methods of synthesis for embedded systems predicting the technical condition of high-voltage motors [Metody sinteza vstroyennykh sistem prognozirovaniya tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya vysokovoltnykh dvigateley], Sostoyaniye i perspektivy razvitiya elektro- i teplotekhnologiy: materialy Mezhdunar. nauchn.-tekhn. konf. XVIII Benardosovskiye chteniya [Proc. of the IRTC XVIII of Benardos reading “The state and prospects of development of electric and thermal technologies”], Ivanovo, 2015, vol. 3, pp. 69-73. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V., Kryukov O.V. Optimization of wind power installations in the stochastic perturbations [Optimizatsiya upravleniya vetro-energeticheskimi ustanovkami pri stokhasticheskikh vozmushcheniyakh], Promyshlennaya energetika [Industrial energy], 2013, no. 5, pp. 45-49. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V., Kryukov O.V., Vasenin A.B. Fuzzy models and algorithms for controlling a wind power installations [Nechetkiye modeli i algoritmy upravleniya vetroenergeticheskimi ustanovkami], Upravleniye v tekhnicheskikh, ergaticheskikh, organizatsionnykh i setevykh sistemakh: materialy konf. [Proc. of the conference “Management in engineering, ergonomics, organizational and network systems”], St. Petersburg, 2012, pp. 467-469. (in Russ.)
Milov V.R., Shalashov I.V., Kryukov O.V. The procedure of forecasting and decision-making system maintenance and repair [Protsedury prognozirovaniya i prinyatiya resheniy sisteme tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivaniya i remonta], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation in industry], 2010, no. 8, pp. 47-49. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V. The structure of the autonomous system of power supply with differentiation loads [Struktura avtonomnoy sistemy elektrosnabzheniya s differentsirovaniyem nagruzki], Glavnyy energetik [Chief engineer], 2014, no. 4, pp. 46-49. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V. System of operational diagnostics of technical condition of wind turbines [Sistema operativnoy diagnostiki tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya vetroenergeticheskikh ustanovok], Elektrotekhnika [Electrical Engineering], 2015, no. 4, pp. 49-53. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V. Monitoring electromechanical parts of wind turbines [Monitoring elektromekhanicheskoy chasti vetroenergeticheskikh ustanovok], Glavnyy energetik [Chief engineer], 2013, no. 2, pp. 32-37. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V. Optimization of diagnostics of Electromechanical parts of wind turbines [Optimizatsiya diagnostirovaniya elektromekhanicheskoy chasti vetroenergeticheskikh ustanovok], Elektrooborudovaniye: ekspluatatsiya i remont [Electrical equipment: operation and maintenance], 2013, no. 3, pp. 39-46. (in Russ.)
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