Modeling and Microprocessor Implementation of Electromechanical Systems

O.V. Kryukov


Presents a comprehensive analysis of contemporary problems and specific features of functioning of Electromechanical systems with synchronous machine in motor and generator modes when working on objects of compressor stations of main gas pipelines. Analyzed potential reserves to expand the functionality of electric machines based on application of power conversion and microprocessor technology. The results of the formalization of physical processes in engines and generators in the form of mathematical models with the prospects of the implementation of algorithms in microprocessor-based systems. The circuit and algorithmic methods to improve the energy and dynamic performance of Electromechanical systems with synchronous machines. Presents the results of computer simulation of transient processes of some groups of process units with fan torque at the shaft – blowers compressor stations, wind turbines and power systems other.

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Serebryakov A.V., Kryukov O.V. Optimization of wind power installations in the stochastic perturbations [Optimi-zatsiya upravleniya vetroenergeticheskimi ustanovkami pri stokhasticheskikh vozmushcheniyakh], Promyshlennaya en-ergetika [Industrial energy], 2013, no. 5, pp. 45-49. (in Russ.)



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