Indirect Control of Output Mechanical Variables of an Asynchronous Motor

Yu.N. Dementyev, A.D. Umurzakova


The article presents the methods of measuring the output mechanical variables of an asynchronous motor in the electric drive in the dynamic operating conditions to ensure the continuous monitoring of the electromagnetic torque and angular velocity that are simple in implementation. The operating principle of methods of measuring the output mechanical variables the asynchronous motor is based in determining the electromagnetic torque and angular velocity according to the readings of a motor and easily measured values by means of known in practice devices. The proposed methods of measuring the electromagnetic torque and angular velocity of the asynchronous motor in the electric drive are different from the known ones by the introduction of additional variables, taking into account the temperature change in the stator winding conductors, the frequency of the main voltage harmonics of the stator and the temperature coefficient that depends on the conductor material, to the mathematical description of the asynchronous motor in the electric drive.

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