Power System Stabilization a Simple Controller with Ensuring the Desireq Quality Transients

A.M. Abdurahmanov, E.N. Tregubov, V.N. Ryabchenko


We consider the possible approach to solving practically important but difficult tasks formalized normal (disaster) mode power system controllers of a given structure with constraints on the quality of the transition process. The focus is on ease of synthesis procedure regulator lower order, while for the numerical solution uses standard computing resources program Matlab. A distinctive feature of the proposed technique is to give the engineer a whole set of admissible controls and the ability to deal with uncertainty in the object model. Further development of this approach involves the development of a robust variant of the method to generate robust stabilizing controllers in the presence of interval uncertainty in the coefficients of the object, as well as the study of the sensitivity of the synthesized regulator in relation to possible uncertainties, including inaccuracies in the numerical implementation of its coefficients.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJEE/20150402


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Copyright (c) 2016 A.M. Abdurahmanov, E.N. Tregubov, V.N. Ryabchenko

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