Overview of Known Methods for Determining the Angular Position of the Rotor of an Induction Motor

K. V. Litsin, A. E. Simidotsky


The influence of a mechanical sensor on the operation of an electric drive is analyzed. The technology of sensorless determination of the angular position of the rotor of an asynchronous motor is considered. Advantages and disadvantages of using such systems in place of systems using the rotor position sensor are presented. Among the advantages of using sensorless systems, the following is noted: low cost, compactness and reliability. Analyzed methods of sensorless determination of the angular position of the rotor made it possible to identify shortcomings, which are related to the difficulty in determining the angular position of the rotor at zero and low frequencies. The way of the decision of the given problem is in detail considered.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJEE/20170102


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© Russian Internet Journal of Electrical Engineering. ISSN 2313-8742

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