Development of a Process Control System Multiproduct Engineering Production Under the Conditions of Using CNC Machine Tools

V.A. Oshurkov, L.S. Cuprik, E.S. Majorova, K.V. Burmistrov, I.S. Burmistrova


The article describes the topical use on multi nomenclature engineering industries machine tools with numerical program control. Highlighted current problems, such as lack of movement of workers compensation cents in real time; lack of interaction with adjacent-governmental systems; no queuing feeding blanks into production, lack of planning operations, etc. On this basis, we developed the concept of a process control system multiproduct engineering production in the conditions of use of CNC machines. The basic functions performed by the system, describes the basic functions, and the role of users in the system. The paper shows the scheme of the complex automation, designed locking system and algorithm of forming control codes for the CNC. Finally, it describes the benefits from the introduction of process control engineering industries.

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Copyright (c) 2016 V.A. Oshurkov, L.S. Cuprik, E.S. Majorova, K.V. Burmistrov, I.S. Burmistrova

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