Calculation-experimental method of study the thermal state of the “coating-base” with moving abroad

I.N. Kravchenko, A.A. Kolomeychenko, M.Yu. Karelina


The article provides a method of determining the thermal fields in the plasma spraying with dependent physical and mechanical properties of materials and cover the basics of temperature, flow into them plastic deformation and stress relaxation. In connection with difficulties of experimental research of temperature fields during spraying, become important theoretical methods and models for calculating them. To determine the temperature field of the "cover-basis" is developed numerical mathematical model that takes into account the non-linear nature of the coverage of growth in the layering and the temperature dependence of thermal properties of the materials of the system considered as a multi-layer construction. On the basis of the proposed model is designed thermal field, which can be used in the future when determining the thermal and stress-strain state of the system.

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