Review Hardening-Passivation Methods by Means of Impact Surface Plastic Deformation
In article is made the scientific substantiation and the practical confirmation of possibility, expediency and high efficiency of application of technology of impact superficial plastic deformation in zones of welded connections after performance of welding works is given. Is described the mathematical model of process of the superficial plastic deformation, describing this process, as the hypercycle of loading consisting of elementary cycles - blows and a method of operative control of process with use of the standard portable devices included in the state register of measuring instruments. The technology is recommended to use during the manufacturing and repair of any metal mantles in places of dimensional and structural nonuniformity such as mechanical defects and the microcracks, damages of a surface owing to corrosion, constructive elements which are sharply changing a relief of a surface and under the influence of the enclosed external forces become zones of concentration of mechanical tension and cause the tensely-deforming conditions. Advisably hardening in such places of walls of the vessels working under pressure and having operational loadings in the form of the tangential stretching mechanical tensions generalized equivalent characteristics for which is described by a known formula of boiler or its special cases: pipes of gaz-, oil, vapor- and water supply systems, steam and water coppers, caissons and vessels of other appointment. The scope of applications of described technology can include installation and repair the sea and river ships or of floating objects of oil production. The technology can be applied to improvement of operational characteristics of details of mechanical engineering and transport, objects of energetic and construction: surfaces of a rolling and sliding of machines, cars and devices, wheels of a rolling stock of railway transport, a metalwork of support of power lines, platforms and bridges for the purpose of counteraction a fatigue at cyclic loadings and corrosion, increase of wear resistance.
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