Gas Transmission Units with an Electromagnetic Subweight of Rotors
New development of gas transmission units of compressor stations with use of electromagnetic suspension of rotors of electric motors of a megawatt class is considered. The analysis of the main advantages of active electromagnetic bearings on increase of reliability, a resource and decrease in operational costs of service of electrodriving gas-distributing units is carried out. Results of the analysis of effective work of electromagnetic subweight in the dynamic modes are presented and at realization of the principles of poorly populated and deserted technologies. Effective results of realization the bezreduktornykh and oil-free technologies of electromagnetic bearings for increase of functionality are shown, to reliability, energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of the most responsible units of the main gas pipelines.
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Puzhaylo A.F., Spiridovich E.A., Kryukov O.V. Energosberezhenie i avtomatizatsiya elektrooborudovaniya kompressornykh stantsiy: monografiya [Energy-saving electrical equipment and automation of compressor stations: monograph], N. Novgorod, Vektor TiS, 2011, 664 p. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Analysis and technical implementation of the energy efficiency factor of innovative solutions for turbochargers [Analiz i tekhnicheskaya realizatsiya faktorov energoeffektivnosti innovatsionnykh resheniy v turbokompressorakh], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2010, no.10, pp. 50-53. (in Russ.)
Stepanov S.E., Kryukov O.V., Plekhov A.S. Principles of automatic control excitation of synchronous machines gas compressor stations [Printsipy avtomaticheskogo upravleniya vozbuzhdeniem sinkhronnykh mashin gazokompressornykh stantsiy], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2010, no.6, pp. 29-31. (in Russ.)
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Kryukov O.V. Analysis designs of electric mashines for gas pumping units, Russian Internet Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2015, vol. 3, no.4, pp. 53-58. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24892/RIJIE/20150409
Kryukov O.V. Comprehensive analysis of the operating conditions of the electric gas-compressor units [Kompleksnyy analiz usloviy ekspluatatsii elektrodvigateley gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Kompressornaya tekhnika i pnevmatika [Compressor equipment and pneumatics], 2013, no.4, pp. 14-20. (in Russ.)
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Kryukov O.V., Stepanov S.E. Modernization of management systems of electrically driven gas pumping units [Modernizatsiya sistem upravleniya elektroprivodnymi gazoperekachivayushchimi agregatami], Problemy avtomatizatsii i upravleniya v tekhnicheskikh sistemakh: sb. nauchn. tr. Mezhdunar. nauchn.-prakt. konf. [Proc. International scientific and practical conference “Automation and control problems in technical systems”], Penza, 2013, pp. 29-32. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Stepanov S.E. Increasing the stability of the electric centrifugal compressors at the compressor stations of OJSC " Gazprom" [Povyshenie ustoychivosti raboty elektroprivodov tsentrobezhnykh nagnetateley na kompressornykh stantsiyakh OAO «Gazprom»], Gazovaya promyshlennost' [Gas industry], 2014, no.8(710), pp. 50-56. (in Russ.)
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Kryukov O.V. Comprehensive system monitoring and management of electrically driven gas pumping units [Kompleksnaya sistema monitoringa i upravleniya elektroprivodnymi gazoperekachivayushchimi agregatami], Peredovyye informatsionnyye tekhnologii, sredstva i sistemy avtomatizatsii i ikh vnedreniye na rossiyskikh predpriyatiyakh: sb. tr. Mezhdunar. nauchn.-prakt. konf. [Proc. International scientific and practical conference “Advanced information technology, automation means and systems and their implementation at the Russian enterprises”], Moscow, 2011, pp. 329-350. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Analysis of Safety start system electrically driven gas pumping units [Analiz sistem bezopasnogo puska elektroprivodnykh gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Kompressornaya tekhnika i pnevmatika [Compressor equipment and pneumatics], 2012, no.2, pp. 12-17. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Titov V.G. Analysis of starting modes of electrically driven gas pumping units [Analiz puskovykh rezhimov elektroprivodnykh gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Elektromekhanika [Proceedings of the higher educational institutions. electromechanics], 2012, no.3, pp. 29-35. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Hardware and safe high-power motors start algorithmic means . Part 1 [Apparatnye i algoritmicheskie sredstva bezopasnogo puska elektrodvigateley bol'shoy moshchnosti. Chast' 1], Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluatatsiya i remont [Electrical equipment: maintenance and repair], 2013, no.9, pp. 23-30. (in Russ.)
Voronkov V.I., Rubtsova I.E., Stepanov S.E., Kryukov O.V., Titov V.G. Avtomatizirovannaya sistema plavnogo puska sinkhronnogo elektroprivoda mekhanizmov s vysokomomentnoy nagruzkoy [Automated system for soft start of synchronous electric machines with high-torque load], Patent RU 101598, 2010. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Hardware and safe high-power motors start algorithmic means. Part 2 [Apparatnye i algoritmicheskie sredstva bezopasnogo puska elektrodvigateley bol'shoy moshchnosti. Chast' 2], Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluatatsiya i remont [Electrical equipment: maintenance and repair], 2013, no.10, pp. 36-38. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Experience with safe start high power electric systems [Opyt primeneniya sistem bezopasnogo puska elektrodvigateley bol'shoy moshchnosti], Privodnaya tekhnika [Drive Technology], 2011, no.4, pp. 2-13. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Principles unfrequented technologies in the organization of the electrically driven compressor stations [Printsipy malolyudnykh tekhnologiy v organizatsii raboty elektroprivodnykh kompressornykh stantsiy], Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluatatsiya i remont [Electrical equipment: maintenance and repair], 2014, no.4, pp. 10-13. (in Russ.)
Spiridovich E.A., Voronkov V.I., Kryukov O.V. System optimization of energy consumption units of compressor stations [Sistemnaya optimizatsiya energopotrebleniya agregatov kompressornykh stantsiy], Nauka i tekhnika v gazovoy promyshlennosti [Science and technology in the gas industry], 2012, no.1(49), pp. 58-70. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Scientific substantiation of ways of modernization EGPA [Nauchnoe obosnovanie putey modernizatsii EGPA], Vestnik Natsional'nogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta Khar'kovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut [Bulletin of the National Technical University of Kharkov Polytechnic Institute], 2013. no.36, pp. 133-134. (in Russ.)
Khlynin А.S., Kryukov О.V. Realization of energy efficiency factors of electrically driven gas compressor units in projects, Russian Internet Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014, vol. 1, no.2, pp. 32-37. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24892/RIJEE/20140207
Kryukov О.V. Stabilization system electromagnetic suspension rotor engines of gas compressor units [Stabilizatsiya sistem elektromagnitnogo podvesa rotorov dvigateley gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Kompressornaya tekhnika i pnevmatika [Compressor equipment and pneumatics], 2013, no.7, pp. 27-32. (in Russ.)
Kryukov О.V. Operating Systems electromagnetic suspension rotor engines of gas compressor units [Ekspluatatsiya sistem elektromagnitnogo podvesa rotorov dvigateley gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluatatsiya i remont [Electrical equipment: maintenance and repair], 2014, no.7, pp. 13-20. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Titov V.G. Automatic stabilization system electromagnetic suspension rotor engines of gas compressor units [Avtomaticheskaya stabilizatsiya sistem elektromagnitnogo podvesa rotorov dvigateley gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2011, no.6, pp. 50-54. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. The advantages of the electromagnetic suspension of the drive motors of gas pumping units [Preimushchestva elektromagnitnogo podvesa privodnykh elektrodvigateley gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Glavnyy energetic [Chief Power Engineer], 2015, no.9, pp. 16-23. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Intelligent electric drives with IT algorithms, Automation and Remote Control, 2013, vol. 74, no.6, pp. 1043-1048. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117913060143
Babichev S.A., Kryukov O.V., Titov V.G. Automated safety system electrically driven gas pumping units [Avtomatizirovannaya sistema bezopasnosti elektroprivodnykh gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Elektrotekhnika [Electrical engineering], 2010, no.12, pp. 24-31. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.3103/S1068371210120047
Kryukov O.V. Frequency regulation performance electrically driven gas pumping units [Chastotnoe regulirovanie proizvoditel'nosti elektroprivodnykh gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Electrical equipment: maintenance and repair [Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluatatsiya i remont], 2014. no.6, pp. 39-43. (in Russ.)
Milov V.R., Shalashov I.V., Kryukov O.V. The forecasting and decision-making procedures of maintenance and repair system [Protsedury prognozirovaniya i prinyatiya resheniy sisteme tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivaniya i remonta], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2010, no.8, pp. 47-49. (in Russ.)
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