Development of the design and calculation of key parameters of the heatexchange device
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Serga G.V., Belokur K.A., Taratuta V.D. Ustroystvo dlya zakruchivaniya i izmeneniya napravleniya dvizheniya potokov zhidkostey i gazov [A device for twisting and chang-ing the direction of flow of liquids and gases], Patent RU 2457013, 2012. (in Russ.)
Serga G.V., Belokur K.A., Taratuta V.D. Ustroystvo dlya izmeneniya napravleniya dvizheniya potokov zhidkostey i gazov [Device for changing the direction of flow of liquids and gases], Patent RU 2457014, 2012. (in Russ.)
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