EMC Analysis of 18-pulse Connection Circuit based on 3L-AFE with SHEPWM
The article is devoted to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) analysis of 18-pulse connection circuit based on three level active front-end (3L-AFE) rectifiers with a pulse width modulation selective harmonic elimination (PWMSHE) method. The considered 18-pulse connection circuit includes a parallel connection of three power transformers which have the secondary winding voltages phase shift 20°, 0°, and -20. The each 3L-AFErectifier has neutral point clamped topology and consists of power semiconductor modules, snubbers and direct current (DC) capacitors. Research of EMC has been carried out by simulation using Matlab/Simulink program. The obtained results presentedtotal harmonic distortional (THD) dependences and harmonic spectrums of grid current and voltage. To sum up, the main conclusions and prospects of the further research have been formulated.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20160109
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