Synthesis of Seeking Automatic Optimization System for Process Combustion Fuel
Systems of automatic optimization (SAO) is the simplest type of adaptive systems, to effectively solve the problem of optimizing the management of individual process parameters. The SAO is defined management objective: defining and maintaining optimal (extrem) the maximum or minimum possible value of optimal process parameters of the production process. The presence of inertia and delay in the majority of the optimized processes and the production of random disturbances, leading to a shift (drift) of the static characteristics of the controlled process, greatly complicate and hinder widespread SAO in industrial production. Intensive use in process automation programmable logic controller (PLC) helped create the SAO, in which it is possible to successfully solve many previously existing problems and to create effective error-correcting systems. The results of the study on the synthesis of two-loops system of automatic optimization of the combustion of fuel brought to the outcome of algorithms that can be simply implemented using standard process controllers. The implementation of the CAO in the technology controller Remicont RK-131 using only standard blocks Fable-language (FBD) showed high efficiency in terms of technological disturbances.
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