Comparative analysis of electric drive power supply diagrams in straight-through wire drawing machines

D. V. Ulyanov, Vadim Gasiyarov


This article deals with the systems of drawing machine electric drives construction learnt from practice. The requirements for drawing machine electric drives have been set forth, and namely: the necessity was noted to maintain constant per-second amounts of drawn wire at all capstans, and consequent maintaining constant drawing operation speed, ensuring smooth machine’s run acceleration and deceleration (without jerks and at the preset rate), possibility to stabilize and adjust wire countertension (wire tension at the die entrance). The presented are the descriptions of system flow diagrams with series and parallel connections of DC motor armatures, as well as individual electric drive systems implemented at AC and DC motors. The advantages and disadvantages of these systems have been stated, and preferable application areas specified. At the present stage of the drawing equipment development it is highly recommended to implement the individual electric drive with process parameters automatic control systems. It was noted that the wire countertension stabilization not only stabilizes the drawing process but also ensures its accident-free operation and reduces its energy consumption.

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