Mathematical description of the electric drive based on the energy-saving induction motor with individual reactive power compensation

Rif Mugalimov, Valeriy Kosmatov, Aliya Mugalimova


This article presents mathematical description of electromagnetic processes in stationary and transient conditions of electric drive on the basis of the electric energy saving induction motor (EAD) with individual reactive power compensation. Mathematical description performed by the methods of complex amplitudes and spatial vectors. Also, the scheme of the system of magnetically coupled windings of EAD with individual reactive power compensation and the equations for the instantaneous values of voltages, currents and flux linkages are represented. A scheme with individual replacement EAD reactive power compensation is proposed. Equivalent circuit is differ from the known conventional equivalent circuit of the induction motor (TAD) by the presence of additional branch, which characterizes the compensation winding of the stator. Equivalent circuit is described by the equations of the electrical state of the induction motor in static modes. A vector diagram and energy indicators of EAD are showed. Full consumed electric currents of electric drives that are based on EAD, depending on the engine power are reduced by 9-27%. Using of electric drives based on EAD helps to reduce the loadings of power transformers by 10-15%. Each kilowatt of installed capacity of EAD saves from 350 to 750 kW ? h per year. Additional costs on creating EAD increased by 18-24% of the costs of creating TAD. This additional costs are compensated in period from 0.3 to 0.8 years by saving electricity.

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Mugalimov R.G., Mugalimova A.R. Technology for reconstruction of traditional induction motors to energy saving variants, Russian Internet Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2013, no.1, pp 56-61. DOI: 10.24892/RIJIE/20130109



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