Analytical Studies of the Influence of Process Parameters on the Rate of Deformation at High-speed Wire Drawing

L.V. Radionova


This article presents the results of the effect of drawing speed on the rate of deformation and resistance to plastic deformation. When wire drawing on modern high speed wire drawing machines significantly increases the required amount of drawing dies. The influence of the technological parameters: speed drawing, half-angle of the die, wire diameter and a single strain on the rate of deformation of the metal. The influence of the technological parameters: speed drawing, half-angle of the die, wire diameter and a single strain on the rate of deformation of the metal. Found that increasing the resistance to drawing dies and achieve  passport velocities drawing, when selecting process parameters drawing guided by the principle of uniform strain over the cross section of the wire by matching the single strain with half-angle dies and friction coefficient on the formula given in the article.

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