The Analysis of the Experience of Modern National Scientific Schools in the Field of a Metal Cutting Machines Precision

V. O. Anikeeva


In work the analysis of the experience of modern national scientific schools studying problems in the field of precision of metal cutting machines is conducted. Information is provided on the directions of the work of schools, on milestones that have found wide circulation. In work the most well-known methods that serve as a basis for subsequent research are considered. The main feature of the reviewed works is the researcher's adherence to one of the fundamental scientific schools of the USSR in the field of scientific principles of precision of machine tools. The article sub-stantiates the role of systematization and integration of the studies studied to bring scientific research to a qualitatively new level.

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Maksimov Yu.V., Bekaev A.A., Nadolsky M.A., Prokhorov A.V. On the issue of ensuring the accuracy of machining on CNC machines [K voprosu ob obespechenii tochnosti obrabotki na stankakh s ChPU], Izvestiya MGTU MAMI [Izvestiya of the Moscow State Technical University MAMI], 2012, no.2, pp. 129-130.

Bekaev A.A., Maksimov Yu.V., Kuzminsky D.L., Strings P.I. Controlling the accuracy of processing by software correction of the working parts of technological equipment [Upravlenie tochnostyu obrabotki putem programmnoy korrektsii rabochikh organov tekhnologicheskogo oborudovaniya], STIN [Russian Engineering Research], 2017, no.5, pp. 6-10.

Avdeev V.B. Evaluation of the reliability of lathes with numerical control on the parameters of processing accuracy [Otsenka bezotkaznosti tokarnykh stankov s ChPU po parametram tochnosti obrabotki], Izvestiya MGTU MAMI [Izvestiya of the Moscow State Technical University MAMI], 2012, no.2, pp. 158-164.

Neizvestnykh A.G., Krylov E.G. Analysis of the accuracy of machining of parts on machine tools with CNC [Ana-liz tochnosti obrabotki detaley na stankakh s ChPU], Izvestiya VolgGTU [Izvestia of Volgograd State Technical University], 2008, vol. 4, no.9, pp.89-91.

Sakharov A.V. Ustanovlenie tekhnologicheskikh vozmozhnostey stankov dlya proektirovaniya tekhnologicheskikh protsessov i obosnovaniya proizvodstvennoy programmy: avtoref. dis. kand. tekhn. nauk [Establishment of technological capabilities of machine tools for the design of technological processes and the rationale for the production program: dissertation of PhD], Moscow, 2012, 19 p.

Sakharov A.V. Ustanovlenie tekhnologicheskikh vozmozhnostey stankov dlya proektirovaniya tekhnologicheskikh protsessov i obosnovaniya proizvodstvennoy programmy: dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk [Establishment of technological capabilities of machine tools for the design of technological processes and the rationale for the production program: dissertation of PhD], Moscow, 2012, 174 p.

GOST 22267-76 RU. Stanki metallorezhushchie. Skhemy i sposoby izmereniy geometricheskikh parametrov [State Standard 22267-76 RU. Metalcutting machine tools. Schemes and procedures of measuring geometrical parameters], Moscow, Publishing Standards, 1988, 149 p.

Pronikov A.S., Averyanov O.I., Apollonov Yu.S. et al. Proektirovanie metallorezhushchikh stankov i stanochnykh system: spravochnikuchebnik. T.I. Proektirovanie stankov [Design of metal cutting machines and machine tools. Hand-book-textbook. V.I. Designing of machine tools], Moscow, Bauman MSTU, Mechanical engineering, 1994, 444p.

Sakharov A.V. Using the principles of modular technology to determine the technological capabilities of machine tools [Ispozovanie printsipov modulnoy tekhnologii dlya opredeleniya tekhnologicheskikh vozmozhnostey stankov], Avtomatizirovannoe proektirovanie v mashinostroenii [Automated design in mechanical engineering], 2013, no.1, pp. 152-153.

Sakharov A.V. Evaluation of the possibility of fulfilling production orders of the enterprise according to the nomenclature of surface modules [Otsenka vozmozhnosti vypolneniya proizvodstvennykh zakazov predpriyatiya po nomenklature moduley poverkhnostey], Avtomatizirovannoe proektirovanie v mashinostroenii [Automated design in mechanical engineering], 2014, no.2, pp. 112-115.

Sakharov A.V. Establishment of the possibility of obtaining the characteristics of the modules of the surfaces of parts on the machine park of the enterprise [Ustanovlenie vozmozhnosti polucheniya kharakteristik moduley poverkhnostey detaley na stanochnom parke predpriyatiya], Trudy XXVI Mezhdunarodnoy Innovatsionno-orientirovannoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh i studentov (MIKMUS-2014) [Proc. of the XXVI International Innovation-Oriented Conference of Young Scientists and Students (MIKMUS-2014)], Moscow, 2014, pp. 53-57.

Sakharov A.V., Arzybaev A.M. Establishment of technological capabilities of the machine [Ustanovlenie tekhnologicheskikh vozmozhnostey stanka], Progressivnye tekhnologii i sistemy mashinostroeniya [Progressive technologies and systems of mechanical engineering], 2014, no.2 (48), pp. 88-92.

Sakharov A.V. Method for assigning norms of geometric accuracy in designing a metal-cutting machine [Metodika naznacheniya norm geometricheskoy tochnosti pri proektirovanii metallorezhushchego stanka], Trudy XXVII Mezhdunarodnoy innovatsionno-orientirovannoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh i studentov MIKMUS-2015 [Proc. of the XXVI International Innovation-Oriented Conference of Young Scientists and Students (MIKMUS-2015)], Moscow, 2015, pp. 40-43.

Sakharov A.V., Arzybaev A.M., Rodionova N.A. The decision of a direct problem on purpose of norms of geomet-rical accuracy of a projected metal-cutting machine [Reshenie pryamoy zadachi po naznacheniyu norm geometricheskoy tochnosti proektiruemogo metallorezhushchego stanka], Progressivnye tekhnologii i sistemy mashinostroeniya [Progres-sive technologies and systems of mechanical engineering], 2016, no.2 (53), pp. 207-211.

Ageenko A.V. Technique of adjustment of CNC parameters of lathes for providing the specified accuracy of the part contour [Metodika nastroyki parametrov UChPU tokarnykh stankov dlya obespecheniya zadannoy tochnosti kontura detali], Fundamentalnyye i prikladnyye problemy tekhniki i tekhnologii [Fundamental and Applied Problems of Technics and technology], 2011, no.5, pp. 67-73.

Ageenko A.V. Increase the accuracy of lathes by adjusting the CNC settings [Povyshenie tochnosti tokarnykh stankov putem nastroyki parametrov UChPU], Vestnik BGTU [Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University], 2011, no.4, pp. 10-14.

Ageenko A.V. Povyshenie tochnosti tokarnykh stankov s ChPU za schet modernizatsii sistem upravleniya: avtoref. dis. kand. tekhn. nauk [Increase the accuracy of lathes with numerical control due to the modernization of control systems: dissertation of PhD], Bryansk, 2012, 18 p.

Fedonin O.N., Petreshin D.I., Khandozhko V.A., Ageenko A.V. Ensuring the accuracy of the CNC lathe by adjusting the machine parameters [Obespechenie tochnosti tokarnogo stanka s ChPU za schet nastroyki stanochnykh parametrov], Naukoemkie tekhnologii v mashinostroenii [High Tech In Mechanical Engineering], 2013, no.11 (29), pp. 9-14.

Fedonin O.N., Petreshin D.I., Khandozhko V.A., Ageenko A.V. Accounting errors in the control system in the accuracy balance of the lathe with CNC [Uchet pogreshnostey sistemy upravleniya v balanse tochnosti tokarnogo stanka s ChPU], Vestnik BGTU [Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University], 2013, no.3 (39), pp. 55-57.

Koltsov A.G. Diagnostics of the technical condition of metal-cutting equipment [Diagnostika tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya metallorezhushchego oborudovaniya], Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik [Omsk Scientific Bulletin], 2011, no.3 (103), pp.79-82.

Koltsov A.G., Sukhinin V.B. Checking the geometric accuracy of metal cutting equipment [Proverka geometricheskoy tochnosti metallorezhushchego oborudovaniya], Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik [Omsk Scientific Bulletin], 2011, no.3 (103), pp. 95-97.

Koltsov A.G., Toropov A.V., Petukhov A.A. Checking the five-coordinate milling machining center for accuracy [Proverka pyatikoordinatnogo frezernogo obrabatyvayushchego tsentra na tochnost], Vestnik UGATU [Bulletin of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University], 2012, vol. 16, no.4 (49), pp. 129-132.

Koltsov A.G., Petukhov A.A., Medvedyuk I.V. Methods of automated provision of precision in the manufacture of complex parts on CNC machines [Metody avtomatizirovannogo obespecheniya tochnosti izgotovleniya slozhnykh detaley na stankakh s ChPU], Dinamika sistem, mekhanizmov i mashin [Dynamics of systems, mechanisms and machines], 2012, no.2, pp. 241-244.

Koltsov A.G. Method for constructing a mathematical model for estimating the accuracy of technological equipment on the basis of a multi-operation machine [Metodika postroeniya matematicheskoy modeli otsenki tochnosti tekhnologicheskogo oborudovaniya na baze mnogooperatsionnogo stanka], Vestnik UGATU [Bulletin of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University], 2013, vol. 17, no.8 (61), pp. 106-116.

Koltsov, A.G. Method for constructing a mathematical model for accuracy of processing, taking into account geometric, kinematic and dynamic factors [Metodika postroeniya matematicheskoy modeli tochnosti obrabotki s uchetom geometricheskikh, kinematicheskikh i dinamicheskikh faktorov], Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik [Omsk Scientific Bulletin], 2014, no.1 (127), pp. 96-100.

Khristolyubov M.A., Mulyukova A.R., Koltsov A.G. Tests of metal-cutting machines on geometrical accuracy [Ispytaniya metallorezhushchikh stankov na geometricheskuyu tochnost], Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoy studencheskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii "Tekhnika i tekhnologii mashinostroeniya" [Materials of the IV International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Engineering and Technology of Mechanical Engineering"], Omsk, 2015, pp. 271-277.

Blokhin D.A., Koltsov A.G., Vasilyeva I.A. Diagnostics of the technical condition of metal-cutting machines with CNC [Diagnostika tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya metallorezhushchikh stankov s ChPU], Materialy 2 Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii "Nauka i molodezh v XX veke" [Materials of the 2 nd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and youth in the twenty-first century"], Omsk, 2016, pp. 91-96.

Koltsov A.G., Blokhin D.A., Krivonos E.V., Narezhnev A.N. Influence assessment of metal-cutting equipment geometrical accuracy on OMV-technologies accuracy [Otsenka vliyaniya geometricheskoy tochnosti metal-lorezhushchego oborudovaniya na tochnost OMV-tekhnologiy], Dinamika sistem, mekhanizmov i mashin [Dynamics of systems, mechanisms and machines], 2016, vol. 1, no.1, pp. 322-329. DOI: 10.1109/Dynamics.2016.7819029

Gorshkov B.M. Povyshenie tochnosti tekhnologicheskikh obrabatyvayushchikh sistem s sostavnymi staninami metodom avtomaticheskoy kompensatsii ikh deformatsiy: avtoref. dis. d-ra. tekhn. nauk [Increase in the accuracy of technological processing systems with composite frames by the method of automatic compensation of their defor-mations: dissertation of PhD], Samara, 2005, 35 p.

Gorshkov B.M., Tokarev D.G. Experimental study of increasing the accuracy of precision vertical coordinate boring [Eksperimentalnoe issledovanie povysheniya tochnosti pretsizionnykh vertikalnykh koordinatno-rastochnykh stankov], Vestnik SamGTU. Tekhnicheskie nauki [Bulletin of the Samara State Technical University. Technical Sciences Series], 2007, no.2 (20), pp. 183-186.

Gorshkov B.M., Tokarev D.G., Marshanskaya O.V. Development and study of the dynamic model of a vertical coordinate boring machine [Razrabotka i issledovanie dinamicheskoy modeli vertikalnogo koordinatno-rastochnogo stanka], Vestnik SamGTU. Tekhnicheskie nauki [Bulletin of the Samara State Technical University. Technical Sciences Series], 2008, no.2, pp.127-132.

Gorshkov B.M. Increase of accuracy in the working space of technological machines [Povyshenie tochnosti v rabochem prostranstve tekhnologicheskikh mashin], Shkola universitetskoy nauki: paradigma razvitiya [School of University Science: Development Paradigm], 2010, no.1-2, pp. 255-258.

Gorshkov B.M., Remneva O.Yu., Vylegzhanin D.V., Samokhina N.S. Experimental and experimental setup for evaluating the efficiency of increasing the accuracy of coordinate boring machines [Opytno-eksperimentalnaya ustanovka dlya otsenki effektivnosti povysheniya tochnosti koordinatno-rastochnykh stankov], Vektor nauki TGU [Vector science TSU], 2011, no.2, pp. 121-124.

Gorshkov B.M., Remneva O.Yu. Investigation of the accuracy of processing on precision technological equipment [Issledovanie tochnosti obrabotki na pretsizionnom tekhnologicheskom oborudovanii], Trudy IV mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii "Teplofizicheskie i tekhnologicheskie aspekty povysheniya effektivnosti mashinostroitelnogo proizvodstva (Reznikovskie chteniya)" [Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Technical Conference "Thermophysical and technological aspects of increasing the efficiency of machine-building production (Reznikov's readings)"], Tolyatti, 2015, pp. 201-207.

Gorshkov B.M., Remneva O.Yu. Study of precision processing parameters on precision technological equipment [Izuchenie tochnostnykh parametrov obrabotki na pretsizionnom tekhnologicheskom oborudovanii], Vektor nauki TGU [Vector science TSU], 2015, no.2-2, pp. 69-74.

Rubtsov М.А., Gorshkov B.M. Increase of accuracy of processing of billets on coordinate boring machines by automatic static adjustment of their technological system [Povyshenie tochnosti obrabotki korpusnykh zagotovok na koordinatno-rastochnykh stankakh putem avtomaticheskoy staticheskoy nastroyki ikh tekhnologicheskoy sistemy], Materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii "Naukoemkie tekhnologii na sovremennom etape razvitiya mashinostroeniya" [Materials of the VIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "High technology at the present stage of the development of mechanical engineering"], Moscow, 2016, pp. 192-195.

Tokarev D.G. Povyshenie tochnosti tekhnologicheskikh sistem vertikalnykh koordinatno-rastochnykh stankov metodom korrektsii polozheniya korpusa shpindelnoy babki: avtoref. dis. d-ra. tekhn. nauk [Increase of accuracy of technological systems of vertical coordinate boring machines by the method of correction of the position of the spindle head body: dissertation of PhD], Ulyanovsk, 2010, 18 p.

Leshchenko A.I. Achievement of the required accuracy of complex-profile surfaces by parametrization of program correction of processing errors on CNC machines [Dostizhenie trebuemoy tochnosti slozhno-profilnykh poverkhnostey putem parametrizatsii programmnoy korrektsii pogreshnostey obrabotki na stankakh s ChPU], Vestnik PGTU [Bulletin of the Priazov State Technical University], 2011, no.2 (23), pp. 197-203.

Dzhumaev Z.F., Ashurov Z.L., Saidov D.S. Machine adjustment and accuracy of machining [Podnaladka stankov i tochnost obrabotki], Molodoy uchenyy [Young Scientist], 2014, no.21, pp. 147-149.

Dzhumaev Z.F., Ashurov Z.L., Saidov D.S. Problems of increasing the accuracy of machining on metal-cutting machines [Problemy povysheniya tochnosti obrabotki na metal-lorezhushchikh stankakh], Molodoy uchenyy [Young Scientist], 2014, no.21, pp. 146-147.

Ivakhnenko A.G. Konceptualnoe proektirovanie metallorezhushhih system. Strukturnyj sintez: monografiya [Conceptual design of metal-cutting systems. Structural syn-thesis: monograpf. ], Habarovsk, 1998, 124 p.

Ivakhnenko A.G., Podlenko О.N. Accuracy of shaping on hexapods, Russian Engineering Research. 2007, vol. 27, iss.12, pp. 896-900. DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X07120143

Ivakhnenko A.G., Kuts V.V., Ivakhnenko E.O. Structural parametric synthesis of metal cutting systems with hybrid assembly [Strukturno-parametricheskiy sintez metallorezhuschih sistem s gibridnoy komponovkoy], Vestnik mashinostroeniya [Russian Engineering Research], 2016, no.5, pp. 17-23.

Anikeeva O.V., Ivakhnenko A.G., Krukov D.N. The influence of machine tools geometric accuracy parameters on the position deviations of the machinable surfaces [Vliyanie parametrov geometricheskoy tochnosti stankov na otkloneniya raspolozheniya obrabotannyih poverhnostey], Naukovedenie [Naukovedenie], 2017, vol. 9, no.1 (available at:

Anikeeva O.V. The development of the variational method for the computation of machine-tools accuracy [Razvitie variatsionnogo metoda rascheta tochnosti metallorezhuschih stankov], Fundamentalnyye i prikladnyye problemy tekhniki i tekhnologii [Fundamental and Applied Problems of Technics and technology], 2016, no.5, pp. 111-118.

Anikeeva O.V. Upravleniye etapom planirovaniya dlya povysheniya kachestva protsessa remonta metallorezhushchikh stankov: avtoref. dis. kand. tekhn. nauk [Management planning stage to improve the quality of the repair process of metal cutting machines: dissertation of PhD], Kursk, 2012, 16 p.



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