The Question of the Reliability of Welded Joints of Steels when Operating at Low Climatic Temperatures

Yu. N. Saraev, V. V. Bezborodov, A. G. Lunev, M. V. Perovskaya, S. V. Gladkovsky, A. A. Khaydarova, N. I. Golikov


The article discusses the issues of ensuring of operational reliability of welded joints in steel structures for critical applications operating at low climatic temperatures. It is established that the zone of permanent joints have a pronounced structural heterogeneity, which is in the process of operation shows a tendency to the formation of microdefects leading to the rapid destruction of the structure as a whole. It is shown that structural heterogeneity in the area of the permanent connection can be reduced by applying methods of adaptive pulse-arc welding

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Copyright (c) 2018 Yu. N. Saraev, V. V. Bezborodov, A. G. Lunev, M. V. Perovskaya, S. V. Gladkovsky, A. A. Khaydarova, N. I. Golikov

© Russian Internet Journal of Industrial Engineering. ISSN 2310-0818


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