Simulation Tests of Vibration Dampers on the Experimental Setup

A. B. Gordeev, A. I. Baykov, A. B. Dar’enkov


The mathematical model of the experimental stand for vibration damping is described in the article. Vibration table is used as a source of vibration of different frequencies. Asynchronous motors are attached to the vibrating table from below. These motors are frequency-controlled and have eccentric disks on the shafts. Due to imbalance, the motors create a vibration that is transmitted to the upper table through the samples of the damping devices being examined. The upper table is equipped with measuring equipment. Additional sources of vibration are the harmonic components of the voltage generated by power electronic converters at the terminals of the stators of two asynchronous motors. Modeling allows obtaining quantitative characteristics of damping of the studied devices in wide ranges of material properties, geometric parameters and control algorithms. The mathematical model of a mechanical system is based on the Lagrange equations and electromechanical energy conversion by electric motors. This model allows analyzing various variants of dampers with various external and control impacts.

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