Automated laboratory drawing mill

L. V. Radionova, S. R. Faizov, R. A. Lisovskiy, T. A. Lisovskaya


The article is devoted to automated laboratory drawing mill VP-3/400 when produced by Scientific Production Enterprise «Educational Technology» . The modern tendencies of process of drawing of a wire in monolithic drawing and the machines capable to realize them are described. The article contents description of multiple straight-through drawing and its advantages in comparison with other methods. The design of the developed mill is described and engineering solutions allowing to carry out the drawing process according to modern ideas about it, which increase both the quality of the finished product and the efficiency indicators of the technological process as a whole are described. The method of automated control of the developed straight-through drawing mill is described and its technical realization is shown. Attention has been paid to the description of safety equipment when working with the mill, both in the form of design solutions and software. The article gives recommendations on the use of the developed laboratory equipment both in the educational process in the training of specialists in the field of engineering and metallurgy, as well as in scientific research related to the improvement of the wire drawing process in monolithic drawing and the production of wire from various grades of steel and alloys.

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