Universal Mills with Multiroll Passes Designed by SUSU and their Roller Assemblies

L. A. Barkov, M. N. Samodurova, Yu. S. Latfulina


The known mills, which stands have only three-roll passes with all drive rollers designed by Properzi, considered. These mills have found industrial application for obtaining of wire rod from non-ferrous metals (Zn, Al and Cu) in the 50s of the last century. Three-roll mills with passes designed by Cox found application later in rolling of hard-to-deform steels, nickel-based alloys and refractory metals (W and Mo). The rod mill, which stands have only four-high caliber, which started working at Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant in the late 70s of the last century, described. The information about the Japanese «Sumitomo Heavy Industries» company, which developed the stands constructions with four-roll passes for small-section mill of the «Kawasaki Steel» company, provided. The SUSU scientists, who were the first developers of universal stands with interchangeable cassettes containing three-roll and four-roll passes in the 70s of the last century, noted. The peculiarity of these stands laid in the fact that the working rolls of cassettes got the rotation from the contact with two driven supporting rollers of the stand. Such universal mills in the late 70s began to work in the NGO "Izhstal" and produced shaped steel profiles. Similar construction stands designed VNIIMETMASH. The significant disadvantages of the known stands with multiroll calibers shown. Thus, universal mills stands have a lower load capacity by efforts and by rolling moments, they are different by complex design and by high laboriousness of the service. These disadvantages eliminated in the new original designs of universal stands with multiroll passes developed and patented by the authors of the article in the United States, Japan and Europe. The construction of the universal mill such as MUS-280 with multiroll passes working in the industry.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20170102


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