Calculated and Experimental Study of Free Vibration of a Cylindrical Shell

D. A. Permyakov, A. S. Pantileev, S. V. Makhnovich


In Calculated eigenfrequencies and modes were found by using modal analysis finite element model of a cylindrical shell. Experimental eigenfrequencies and modes produced by impulse excitation. To evaluate the correlation between the calculated and experimental modes of free vibration used Modal Assurance Criterion based on a comparison of the displacement vector of nods. However, such an evaluation is difficult because of the limited number of sensors and the initial imperfections that in the calculation model are not counted. In this work shows the influence of initial imperfections on their modes. According to the results of this study revealed nodes and shell zones where the differences between the compared modes are maximum. The value of the Modal Assurance Criterion improved by adjusting the calculated mode relatively experimental in the circumferential direction. Location imperfections zone and assessment of its impact are used to refine the calculation modes of the cylindrical shell

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